To make sure that you get your dream set, we’ve collated a few tips on how to check hair extension quality- a must read if you’re planning on making a cheeky purchase pretty soon!
There’s so much to consider when buying a set of hair extensions, like which brand shall I get? What type of hair extensions and how much money am I willing to spend? And that’s just before we have decided on a length and a suitable shade to match our own growing locks! So, to help you make the best decision when buying hair extensions and to save you from throwing your well-earnt pennies down the drain, here’s our top tips for how to check hair extensions quality.
Tip 1: How to Check Hair Extensions Quality
Our first tip for how to check hair extension quality is to look at what type of quality hair the extensions of made from. Our Unprocessed Virgin Hair are made from real, Virgin human hair, which is regarded as the highest quality of hair in the industry. This is because the hair is carefully selected and sewn onto the weft in the same direction as natural hair growth. The cuticles also face the same direction as natural hair to create a seamless finish and overall, natural looking locks. Another advantage of Remy hair, is that these extensions do last longer, which leads us nicely onto our next tip...
Tip 2: How to Check Hair Extension Quality
One way to check hair extension quality is by making a note of how long they last for and stay ‘wearable’ before they start to matt and shed like crazy! As a general rule of thumb, Remy human, clip in hair extensions usually last anywhere between three to six months- or more! However, this all depends on the wearer; how many times you wear them and how you look after your extensions. Although, synthetic hair extensions don’t tend to last as long.
Tip 3: How to Check Hair Extension Quality
You can judge the quality of hair extensions by their thickness. High quality hair extensions are thick from the top of the wefts to the bottom and don’t have any gaps in between the wefts when you hold them up.
Tip 4: How to Check Hair Extension Quality
Lastly, you can check hair extension quality by the amount they shed. If you’re hair extensions are shedding on a daily basis and every time you put a brush through them, then the quality of the extensions aren’t that great. To stop hair extensions from shedding, we recommend swapping your standard hair brush for one that’s designed to be used on extensions, for a much kinder brushing.
So, there’s our top tips for how to check hair extension quality. However, it’s good to keep in mind that after wearing your hair extensions day in day out and no matter how much you look after them, it’s inevitable that hair extensions will eventually lose their quality, along with their silky softness and opulent shine, too. So, don’t be too disheartened when the time comes to say goodbye to your beloved extensions and invest in a new set!
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